Directory of Naturopathic Doctors and Holistic Health Practitioners in Washington State

Nurturing Wellness

At Nurturing Wellness, we are focused on providing patients in King County with comprehensive and holistic healthcare. From primary care, naturopathic medicine, and pediatric services to acupuncture and mental health services, you can rely on our experienced team to help you. Visit our site for more info!

Fertility - SEA
Mental Health - SEA

Peninsula Natural Health Center

Peninsula Natural Health is a skilled Naturopathic Medicine in Gig Harbor, WA. Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment on our website.

Fertility - SEA
Naturopathic/Herbal Medicine - SEA

Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care

We are a small, physician-owned medical clinic providing primary care and specialty services to the residents of West Seattle and surrounding communities.

Fertility - SEA
Primary Care - SEA

Ground Floor Health Integrative Naturopathic Medicine

At Ground Floor Health we combine conventional, naturopathic, and Chinese medicine to promote optimal health and well-being. We specialize in women's health, fertility, and pediatrics.

Fertility - SEA
Pediatrics - SEA

Glow Natural Health Center

Seattle acupuncture for pain and women's health. Integrative Natural Medicine. Massage, Chiropractic, Naturopathy and Psychotherapy.

Fertility - SEA
Pain Treatment - SEA

​Roots Naturopathic Medicine

​Providing Seattle naturopathic primary care along with specialties in women’s health/fertility, mood health, and LGBTQ health and fertility.

Fertility - SEA
Nutrition - SEA

Fern Valley Natural Health

Fern Valley Natural Health in Bellevue, WA is committed to providing comprehensive and individualized health care.

Fertility - SEA
Primary Care - SEA
Tacoma Natural Health Clinic

Tacoma Natural Health Clinic

Dr. Oksana Mulyukova is a licensed Naturopathic physician and East Asian Medicine practitioner who incorporates the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture with the principles of Naturopathic healing and the science of modern medicine.

Acupuncture - SEA
Fertility - SEA





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